World Travel Photography

I began my photographic journey as a travel photographer. Soon after graduating from Georgetown University, I hit the road for a couple of years, journeying overland from Paris to Singapore and then by boat to the Philippines and Japan.

I started my trip with a beautiful Nikon F and a couple of lenses. Unfortunately, I was relieved of my gear on a train from Delhi to the Nepalese border. Still, I learned to apply the street philosophy of French master Cartier Bresson’s “decisive moment’ in taking a picture.

His timeless universal images influenced me more than any other photographer. Travel and the photographic opportunities it presents are a way of life for me.

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Terry Pommett

Professional Nantucket photographer Terry Pommett has been documenting the people and places of the Cape and Islands for the past 25 years. If you would like to contact him then Click Here.
Phone Number

508 228-5471 (studio)
508 221-8381 (mobile)

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